Oregon Department of Education - Internet

Due to the technology available at the time they were created, archived school and district report cards are not fully accessible to those who use assistive devices to access the Internet. If you require a fully accessible version of a specific report card, please contact ode.communications@ode.oregon.gov and we will assist you in getting that information.

Special Education Report Cards for
School Districts and Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Programs
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The reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) requires each State Education Agency to develop a six-year State Performance Plan (SPP). States are also required to report annually on progress in accomplishing the targeted goals of the SPP. The Oregon Department of Education uses a report format as one medium for disseminating this required information to the public. The School District Special Education Report displays district-level data and approved Oregon state targets, as described in the SPP. The Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Report displays county-level program data and approved Oregon state targets, as described in the SPP. All of the district-level and county-level program data in the reports have been submitted and validated by each school district or program.
The Oregon Department of Education Report Cards are generated in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. For more help, see Adobe's Acrobat Reader help page.

      Available Report Cards (PDF)