Oregon Department of Education - Internet

Report Card (2018+)

Due to the technology available at the time they were created, archived school and district report cards are not fully accessible to those who use assistive devices to access the Internet. If you require a fully accessible version of a specific report card, please contact ode.communications@ode.oregon.gov and we will assist you in getting that information.

School and District Report Cards
School and District Report Cards

The Oregon Department of Education produces yearly report cards for schools and districts. These reports were mandated by the 1999 state legislature and provide educators with an opportunity to communicate directly with parents and community members about how local schools are performing.

In 2013, the Oregon Department of Education released a redesigned school and district Report Card. This redesigned Report Card was the product of a year of review and revisions, led by an external Report Card Steering Committee and informed by feedback from thousands of stakeholders around the state.

The goals of the redesign were to:

  • More accurately reflect student learning and growth
  • Incorporate key measures of college and career readiness
  • Align the report card with district's achievement compacts
  • Make the Report Cards more user friendly and accessible

For more information on the school and district report cards please visit: Report cards.

Media Gallery/Download Data

The Oregon Department of Education Report Cards are generated in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. For more help, see our Acrobat Reader help page.

To select a school district from the drop-down list, click on down arrow
School reports are for the selected district.

School YearEnglish Report Card SummarySpanish Report Card SummaryReport Card Ratings Detail Sheet